Monday, February 4, 2008

Work Progressing… Construction & Relationships

Above are the pictures of this last week’s progress. There aren’t any pictures from Monday or Tuesday because that was mostly cleanup and shoveling. Wednesday, we tied the rebar for the support of the foundation and also the rebar for the structures columns. Thursday, we dropped the rebar into the trenches and fastened the columns into their proper positions. Friday, we poured the foundation and laid the first row of brick. Saturday, additional rows of brick were installed. It was very important to not get any heavy rain while the trenches were open. We had a few light drizzles and mists, but never any heavy rain until the day after the foundation was poured… and then… IT POURED rain (Chris wants to say “It rained like nobody’s business!”). God’s pretty awesome like that. Yay! Oh yeah... P.S. Ochoa (the hardware store) in addition to donating 1000 cinderblocks, also gave us a discount that saved us about $360 USD. Wow.

Chris spent all week working with the construction workers. Katie spent some of the week helping with construction, but spent most of the week with one of the girls in the youth group named Yoanna and her mother Aracelis, intentionally building relationships with them. On our lunch breaks together, we spent time with some of the younger boys in the youth group, wandering through their banana, guava, and sugar cane field getting snacks. On Saturday afternoon, we went to the Quinceañera (15th birthday party… very big deal here) of a girl in the youth group named Yanelis and took pictures for the family so they could remember the special day. Also, there’s something we’ve neglected to mention all of these past e-mails. Random people show up to different services and dedicate their lives to follow Christ and begin their journey as a Christian. That’s always pretty exciting. Street evangelism is uncannily effective here which is kind of disorienting to us as it is much different back home in the U.S. So... another hooray. Below, we’ve attached some pictures of the non-construction activities of the week.


hillary said...

yay for ochoa's hardware store, we like them!! what a blessing!! yay for quincinera's and milking cows too!! 8D wow we miss you guys!!

Anonymous said...

I just found out the translation of the title of your webpage. Very cool.