Tuesday, April 8, 2008

No Es Una Despedida, Mas Un 'Hasta Luego'

The viga is on its way to completion. Half of the viga is poured and dried, and the other half has been framed and will be poured today. YAY! Now, all we need is the roof to have the first floor done.

The Youth
Saturday night we had another special youth service. Due to our contacts with the directors of Teen Challenge in Santiago, we arranged to have the Saturday night youth service at the new Teen Challenge facilities. Many of our youth kids are reaching the age in which they are being tempted to try out “the things of the world”, knowing that it does harm, but not realizing how much harm. José, the director of Teen Challenge, being an ex-drug addict himself, was able to explain to them how easy it is to get caught up in and addicted to drugs and the awful things that that lifestyle brings upon families and futures. Nelly, José´s wife and also Co-director of Teen Challenge, told them about the new project of beginning a program for the women of Santiago. In Santiago, studies show that there are more women addicted to drugs than men. Also, these women work as prostitutes for a living to support themselves and their kids. Nelly explained the gravity of this lifestyle and again how easy it is to fall into prostitution, and through prostitution, drugs. Most of the students in the Teen Challenge program came from good families, some even Christian families, but somehow the enemy worked its way into their homes, and into their lives.
José and Nelly spoke words of warning to our youth, but also words of hope for their future careers and families.
After blessing the youth, Pastor Natividad (Dominican Dad) was given the honor of blessing the new Teen Challenge facility, asking that God would have His hand in their work and in the lives of each student sent there to better his or her life and to work for the furthering of the Kingdom of God.

The Last Night
What a night! Our last church service at Casa de Dios Puerta del Cielo was beautiful. The service, although still an offering to God, was dedicated to us, to honor us and thank us for “the things we had done” in the church and community. We were asked to sing a few songs for the last time, and then we were given several surprises that really touched our hearts. Heriberto gave us thanks and told us what we meant to him and presented us with two big blocks of cheese (we really liked a certain type of cheese he had at his house). Cristina recited us a poem she had written about us, talking about the things God had done through us and how we would be missed. Grandma Juana also explained how important we were in the developing of the youth and that what God had done through us would not be forgotten. Then (the part when Katie became a real mess!), Yanalín, Crismelis, Reina, Rút, and Johanna, five girls from the youth, each said a few words of thanks, and then sang a song that we all had sung together at camp. One of the girls was crying so much she couldn’t finish the song and ran out in the middle of it. The last surprise was when Nati and the Deacon Board presented us with a plaque they had made for us as a ‘thank you’ for our work and commitment. We said our goodbyes, which was tough, and went home a little sad because the community we had invested in would be missed. Goodbyes are never easy.

Mile Deep International News
Upon arrival at home, we received mail indicating that Mile Deep International now has federal tax-exempt status! YAY! Now we are awaiting state tax-exemption, but are able to receive donations at Mile Deep International and they will be federally tax deductible!

Please ask in prayer that God would guide us into our next step in life, whether it be staying home for a while to work and save some more money, or to find support to go back to the Dominican for a longer period of time.


Anonymous said...

YAY!!! I'm the first! Now I'm gonna read the blog.

Jim said...

First in line...last in Heaven.
Yippee! I'm second (to none). I took the time to read the blog first before I would consider being childish and racing to post. Blessings,


Suli said...

Wow, I lost the info for this and finally found you guys again, bookmarked this time.

Too many Chris and Katie's pop up in a search. :P


P.S. cool to see what you young ins are up too.

srjo said...

hi Katie

I am so glad i found you, also impressed for all the things you have done for your community.

god bless you

your mexican friend